Miah Muhammad Adel, Ph.D.


I am Miah Muhammad Adel, a professor of physics, astronomy, and environmental sciences at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, USA. I have offered physics, mathematics, statistics, energy conversion technology, astronomy, and environmental science undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.

My Ph. D. and post-Ph. D. research projects were on the analysis and interpretation of the US Air Force S81-1 mission and the Japanese EXOS-C satellite data, respectively. I have authored a manuscript on particle precipitation data analysis. It is expected to be published soon.

Toward the end of the Air Force-funded EXOS-C project in the mid-nineties, degrading environmental conditions in the downstream Ganges basin due to the upstream water piracy (upstream water use to the extent of causing downstream ecosystem damage of any degree) moved me so much that I could not avoid my obligation as an academician and a native of the affected area to document them, although it was a quite new field for me.

2024 News

Solar Eclipse Explanation for University Students

UAPB’s Bright Minds Shine as NASA Student Observers

2022 & 2023 – Articles Added (Click Link Below or Click Publications Section)

Water exploitation-induced climate change – featured in African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 

Religion-Scientific Study of Solar Resting Phase and Solar-Lunar Finality

Physical Reasons and Mitigation Strategies for Increased
Lightnings in Bangladesh (2022)

Ongoing Patent Activities:

  • Pests Repellent Fruit Vine (National)
  • Plant-Based Pesticide (National)
  • Versatile Vine Pesticide (International)

July 2022 Update:

New article posted in Research Features Magazine in Earth & Environment section:

Upstream Water Piracy Threatens Communities and Environments

Recent Articles Published in English and also some in Bengali (these are also listed on the Publications page):

Physical Reasons and Mitigation Strategies for Increased Lightnings in Bangladesh (2021)

Water Exploitation-Induced Climate Change (AMS Paper)

নিম্নতম বা প্রথম আসমাি


রসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) -এর মাসের ১৫ তারিখের ইবাদাত


Additionally, I have documented my work in seven volumes. My books on the Farakka Barrage and the Ganges River are available on Amazon.  Please use the links below to find more information on the publication.  The books on the Farakka Barrage are assimilated into two volumes.

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 1 briefs the solutions that riparian nations follow for mutual coexistence along with India’s skewness on riparian water issues.  Volume 2 starts with the procrastinating marathon Indo-Pakistan and Indo-Bangladesh meetings, and the short-term water piracy treaties in between which India indefinitely pirated an inordinate quantity of the Ganges water creating a desert in the delta, and culminating in the change of the course of the Ganges through an artificially excavated feeder canal linking the Hooghly River. The third volume of the series focuses on the ecocide effects at the downstream and is expected to be published soon. A fourth book of the series entitled Jaladasyupana (meaning water piracy) was published in Bengali in 2013.

The books on the Ganges River have been published in three volumes. These are:

Ganges 1

Ganges 2

Ganges 3

On other miscellaneous issues, I collaborate with some colleagues from Kansas and elsewhere in water purification projects.  Currently, we are working to device a field-scale arsenic filter to provide arsenic-free groundwater for irrigation which will prevent the food chain from arsenic contamination

I take interests on outdoor lightning protection.  I authored a book on this in Bengali in 2013.

I am authoring a book on GDP, which I advocate not for using as the economic health index for nations because it has been turned non-universal due to the water piracy at the upstream in riparian basins. The GDPs of downstream countries that lose the renewable natural resource water cannot be compared with the upstream water-pirating countries.  Further, I try to find the relation between religion and science.  Furthermore, I have ideas to test in converting gravitational energy to useful energy and in making an instrument to explore underground resources. My principal hobbies are gardening and writing.

My CV and my contact information can be found in the About Me section.  I have also placed a link below for people to educate themselves regarding the situation of arsenic poisoning in the Ganges basin.  The other link will go to Humane Water, where I serve as the Vice-President.  This non-profit organization is dedicated to deliver economic and environmentally friendly water supply for arsenic, pathogen, and other contaminants-affected communities in Bangladesh and other nations around the world.

You can also view my research directly on Research Gate.  

Thank you for visiting my site.  More updates will be coming soon.

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